Cambridge International Curriculum

EITV has chosen the Cambridge International Curriculum due to its worldwide prestige and recognition.

Assessment of learning is continuous and designed to support students in their development, while also providing parents and teachers with the necessary information to adjust the teaching/learning process appropriately to individual needs.

Assessments are internationally standardised and help to monitor student development based on standard norms. Moreover, Cambridge assessments are designed to ensure that they are valid, only assessing what is clearly defined in the syllabus assessment objectives.


Innovative Pedagogy
The Cambridge Curriculum emphasises creativity, critical thinking, and flexibility, by including a series of measurable and achievable goals, each designed to build on what went before while preparing the student for their future work.

The content of the curriculum, the pedagogical approach and the assessment approach must also be aligned in order to maximise learner development and achievement. Subject curricula should be formulated chronologically in a learning spiral so they provide appropriate progression from one stage of education to the next.
Flexibility and complementarity in Workspaces
The Learning Spaces are prepared to be flexible, to accommodate small group work, individual research, discussion forums and lectures.

We offer classrooms, auditorium, amphitheatres, laboratories, spaces for Visual Education and Technological Education, Computer Rooms and Multimedia Production, and a Digital Era Laboratory.
Integration of New Technologies
Technology plays an increasingly important role in our lives and is an indispensable tool in the teaching/learning process.

Alongside technologically equipped facilities, we promote and use multimedia production technologies, virtual reality, augmented reality and artificial intelligence as educational resources.
Internships and Partnerships
The establishment of protocols with various partners will allow our students to enjoy enriching learning experiences in prestigious firms near the school.
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Refeitório e bar

O bar e refeitório garantem que os nossos alunos tenham acesso a alimentos e snacks saudáveis e saborosos. Para além de serem espaços onde os nossos alunos convivem e socializam. 

Salas de Aula

Salas de aula equipadas com computador, videoprojector e quadro táctil. Tudo para que os nossos alunos tenham aulas no ambiente mais propício para a aprendizagem.

Parques infantis

Os parques infantis são locais onde os nossos mais pequeninos interagem com os amigos nos intervalos das aulas. Estão equipados com uma variedade de estruturas como escorregas, paredes de escalada e cordas que  oferecem aos alunos desafios físicos e oportunidades para brincadeiras imaginativas.

Pinhal e Quinta pedagógica

Espaço onde os alunos podem aprender sobre agricultura e sustentabilidade ambiental. Aqui, os nossos alunos conectam-se com a natureza, observam e estudam a flora e a fauna e desenvolvem um sentido de responsabilidade para com o ambiente.

Auditório e Anfiteatros

Espaço dedicado a apresentações de dança e teatro, assim como palestras e conversas a apresentar para a comunidade escolar.


Dedicado à prática desportiva de modalidades como o futebol e o ténis, karate e voleibol. O campo coberto está também equipado com um palco e é utilizado para aulas de educação física 


2 laboratórios totalmente equipados para aulas práticas de fisico-química, biologia e geologia.

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