Cambridge Lower Secondary

Cambridge Lower Secondary (CLS) is delivered in English and directed at 11 – 14-year-old learners, as a three-stage programme (7-8-9) which provides comprehensive learning objectives and helps learners to progress to Cambridge Upper Secondary.

Students will take checkpoint tests in the core subjects (English, Maths and Science) and Global Perspectives at the end of the Lower Secondary stage. These tests are developed and marked by Cambridge Inetrnational.

Subjects Hours per year Weekly lessons (45 minutes)
International English (ESL)
Portuguese (FL)
French or Spanish
Art & Design / Drama
Global Perspectives
Physical Education

Five elements lie at the heart of a Cambridge education: international curriculum, teaching and learning, assessment, international recognition and global community.

Cambridge Lower Secondary Official Sylabus

Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language draws from independent users of English (B1 and B2) and provides learners with the English language skills they need to access Cambridge Upper Secondary qualifications.

The Mathematics Curriculum continues to emphasise Thinking and Working Mathematically. Algebra is formally introduced alongside Geometry and Measure and Statistics and Probability.

Our Computing Curriculum furthers learners’ knowledge of programming languages by introducing text-based software. Learners will explore algorithms using flowcharts and pseudocode, spreadsheets and databases, data transfer across networks and new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence.

The Science Curriculum framework builds a further understanding of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth and Space and, Thinking and Working Scientifically. All of the science disciplines are taught in each stage so that learners develop an integrated view of science.

Cambridge Lower Secondary Global Perspectives uses a range of topics to develop the skills of research, analysis, evaluation, reflection, collaboration and communication. Learners identify a wider range of personal, local and global perspectives and begin to evaluate why these may be different.

The Physical Education Curriculum develops a wide variety of age-appropriate physical activities, including games, team sports, gymnastics and dance.

Art & Design gives learners a platform to express themselves, sparking imagination, creativity and developing transferable skills. Students explore and push boundaries to become reflective, critical and decisive thinkers. They learn how to articulate personal responses to their experiences.


How can we help?

Refeitório e bar

O bar e refeitório garantem que os nossos alunos tenham acesso a alimentos e snacks saudáveis e saborosos. Para além de serem espaços onde os nossos alunos convivem e socializam. 

Salas de Aula

Salas de aula equipadas com computador, videoprojector e quadro táctil. Tudo para que os nossos alunos tenham aulas no ambiente mais propício para a aprendizagem.

Parques infantis

Os parques infantis são locais onde os nossos mais pequeninos interagem com os amigos nos intervalos das aulas. Estão equipados com uma variedade de estruturas como escorregas, paredes de escalada e cordas que  oferecem aos alunos desafios físicos e oportunidades para brincadeiras imaginativas.

Pinhal e Quinta pedagógica

Espaço onde os alunos podem aprender sobre agricultura e sustentabilidade ambiental. Aqui, os nossos alunos conectam-se com a natureza, observam e estudam a flora e a fauna e desenvolvem um sentido de responsabilidade para com o ambiente.

Auditório e Anfiteatros

Espaço dedicado a apresentações de dança e teatro, assim como palestras e conversas a apresentar para a comunidade escolar.


Dedicado à prática desportiva de modalidades como o futebol e o ténis, karate e voleibol. O campo coberto está também equipado com um palco e é utilizado para aulas de educação física 


2 laboratórios totalmente equipados para aulas práticas de fisico-química, biologia e geologia.

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