
Our approach to education places emphasis on instilling curiosity and a love for learning through academic and project-based teaching and learning methodologies.

We purposefully have built an inquiry focused curriculum, to support and deliver our school’s vision, ethos and mission best.

We evaluate pupil performance through continuous formative and summative feedback approach. Throughout the duration of a given term, teachers will have individual discussions with pupils about what they have accomplished well and which areas are in need of development. Through this approach, students are empowered to take ownership of their own learning, and what they ought to do to achieve better results.

Every term we invite parents to individual development discussions. These discussions facilitate opportunities for parents to be involved, and discuss their child’s individual needs.

Soft (transferable) skills

Soft-skills help students thrive throughout their lives; be it at school, workplace or in any social setting.

Our rational to education cornerstones here at ISTV are based on conceptual learning and teaching. Students will participate in academic and project-based tasks daily, in areas of their very own interest, to help them develop these soft transferable skills.

Problem solving

Ability to think logically and critically to solve real life problems, essential in our complex, ever-changing world.


Curiosity and imagination drive innovation and are key to problem solving. “Out-of-the-box” thinking is needed to find new and innovative ways.


Listening, public speaking, learning how to communicate effectively with precision and clarity, will instil confidence in pupils and help them strive in their personal, and later, in their professional lives.

Time management

Effectively managing time and staying organised, the ability to prioritise well and work smarter rather than harder is a vital skill, and can be applied to secondary education as well as careers.

Stress management

Ability to identify and tackle stress triggers early, and effectively, can help students become happier, healthier and more productive.

Team Work

Successful students need to know how to collaborate with others and be adaptable. Starting early and knowing how to work in a team, being able to build on each team member’s unique strengths, knowing how to deal with frustrations is pivotal in teamwork.


How can we help?

Refeitório e bar

O bar e refeitório garantem que os nossos alunos tenham acesso a alimentos e snacks saudáveis e saborosos. Para além de serem espaços onde os nossos alunos convivem e socializam. 

Salas de Aula

Salas de aula equipadas com computador, videoprojector e quadro táctil. Tudo para que os nossos alunos tenham aulas no ambiente mais propício para a aprendizagem.

Parques infantis

Os parques infantis são locais onde os nossos mais pequeninos interagem com os amigos nos intervalos das aulas. Estão equipados com uma variedade de estruturas como escorregas, paredes de escalada e cordas que  oferecem aos alunos desafios físicos e oportunidades para brincadeiras imaginativas.

Pinhal e Quinta pedagógica

Espaço onde os alunos podem aprender sobre agricultura e sustentabilidade ambiental. Aqui, os nossos alunos conectam-se com a natureza, observam e estudam a flora e a fauna e desenvolvem um sentido de responsabilidade para com o ambiente.

Auditório e Anfiteatros

Espaço dedicado a apresentações de dança e teatro, assim como palestras e conversas a apresentar para a comunidade escolar.


Dedicado à prática desportiva de modalidades como o futebol e o ténis, karate e voleibol. O campo coberto está também equipado com um palco e é utilizado para aulas de educação física 


2 laboratórios totalmente equipados para aulas práticas de fisico-química, biologia e geologia.

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