PGA 04 – 2024.2025 – Safety Rules


Dear Parents and Guardians

Teachers and staff,

With the increase in the number of pupils and families at the school, our concerns about safety in the school are also growing. For this reason, we are going to reinforce some safety rules, namely:

– Entry to the school between 09h45 and 16h30 is restricted. This means that the entrance gates will be closed and that any visitor (be they a supplier, a parent or a potential client) must be identified at the entrance and provide a valid reason for entering. At this point, the visitor will be given a partially completed form by the person in charge of the gate, which must be presented to whoever receives them at the school and returned to the gate when they leave;

– No student may leave the school (before or after 16h30) without being duly accompanied by their guardian or a person authorised by them, unless the guardian has provided the school with this authorisation in writing in advance;

– It is not expected that, throughout the day, people outside the school will be present unless there are justified reasons and they are duly accompanied by an EITV employee.

Security responsibilities at the school are the responsibility of all employees, regardless of their role. It is therefore essential that all employees exercise these responsibilities with care in their day-to-day work. Whenever a visitor is found in the school who is not identified or accompanied by an EITV employee, it is our responsibility to try to understand why they are there and to direct them to the service or person they are visiting.

We would like to take this opportunity to inform you that the Pedagogical Council has approved changes to the students’ uniform. On a day-to-day basis at school, students will be able to wear blue trainers with white soles from the model on display in the shop, as an alternative to the usual sailing shoes. In situations where this is justified, particularly on field trips or when representing the school, shoes are still compulsory. Here too, in terms of the correct use of the uniform, we are all responsible for complying with and enforcing the rules laid down in the school’s Internal Regulations.

Thank you for your availability

Best wishes for an excellent school year.

EITV, September 6th, 2024

The Board of Directors

How can we help?

Refeitório e bar

O bar e refeitório garantem que os nossos alunos tenham acesso a alimentos e snacks saudáveis e saborosos. Para além de serem espaços onde os nossos alunos convivem e socializam. 

Salas de Aula

Salas de aula equipadas com computador, videoprojector e quadro táctil. Tudo para que os nossos alunos tenham aulas no ambiente mais propício para a aprendizagem.

Parques infantis

Os parques infantis são locais onde os nossos mais pequeninos interagem com os amigos nos intervalos das aulas. Estão equipados com uma variedade de estruturas como escorregas, paredes de escalada e cordas que  oferecem aos alunos desafios físicos e oportunidades para brincadeiras imaginativas.

Pinhal e Quinta pedagógica

Espaço onde os alunos podem aprender sobre agricultura e sustentabilidade ambiental. Aqui, os nossos alunos conectam-se com a natureza, observam e estudam a flora e a fauna e desenvolvem um sentido de responsabilidade para com o ambiente.

Auditório e Anfiteatros

Espaço dedicado a apresentações de dança e teatro, assim como palestras e conversas a apresentar para a comunidade escolar.


Dedicado à prática desportiva de modalidades como o futebol e o ténis, karate e voleibol. O campo coberto está também equipado com um palco e é utilizado para aulas de educação física 


2 laboratórios totalmente equipados para aulas práticas de fisico-química, biologia e geologia.

Como podemos ajudar?

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