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PGA 06 – 2023.2024 – National Oral Health Promotion Program (PNPSO)


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Torres Vedras, September 8th, 2023

Dear Parents/Guardians,

According to the communication sent to us by the Torres Vedras Health Center, the TORRES VEDRAS HEALTH CENTER will continue the National Oral Health Promotion Program (PNPSO) in accordance with Order No. 5201/2021 – DR nº100 of May 24, 2021.

This National Program works in close collaboration/articulation with public schools, IPSS and cooperative and private education, these being the interlocutors in communicating the Health Center’s messages to families and the great drivers of Health Promotion and Education for our children and young people.

This program aims to prevent oral diseases and their treatment, and is aimed at children and young people up to 18 years of age.

The National Program determines the following activities:

Education and health promotion actions

Biweekly fluoride rinse at school for the purpose of preventing tooth decay , for all children attending the 1st Cycle of basic education.

Supervised tooth brushing for all children attending Kindergarten and recommended for children in 1st Cycle.

Carrying out dental screenings throughout the school year, for children born in 2016, 2013 and 2010, for referral to a dental check. Failure to authorize this activity implies the loss of the right to a dental check.

Application of Fluoride Varnishes for early prevention of tooth decay to children in selected Kindergartens.

Carrying out curative and preventive dental treatments in permanent dentition to:

  • All children aged 7, 10 and 13 years (born in 2016, 2013 and 2010) , by issuing a dental check to be delivered to the respective school.
  • All young people aged 16 (born in 2008 ) who completed the 13 year old dental check treatment plan by requesting a dental check from the administrative services of the health center where the young person is registered between January 1st and August 31st 2024.
  • All young people aged 18 (born in 2006 ) who completed the 16 year old dental check treatment plan by requesting a dental check from the administrative services of the health center where the young person is registered between January 1st and August 31st 2024.

Failure to use these dental checks or failure to complete treatment plans will result in the loss of rights.

If you do not agree with carrying out any of the activities described, you must express this in writing in the student’s notebook or via email in the footer.

Questions and queries should always be sent to the Health Center using the contact details in the footer.

Oral health
R. Fernando Barros Ferreira Leal
2560-253 Torres Vedras

Tel: 261 336362


Yours faithfully,

The Manager of the Oral Health Program in the municipality of Torres Vedras

Dr. Ana Raquel Stoltenborg,

Oral Hygienist

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Refeitório e bar

O bar e refeitório garantem que os nossos alunos tenham acesso a alimentos e snacks saudáveis e saborosos. Para além de serem espaços onde os nossos alunos convivem e socializam. 

Salas de Aula

Salas de aula equipadas com computador, videoprojector e quadro táctil. Tudo para que os nossos alunos tenham aulas no ambiente mais propício para a aprendizagem.

Parques infantis

Os parques infantis são locais onde os nossos mais pequeninos interagem com os amigos nos intervalos das aulas. Estão equipados com uma variedade de estruturas como escorregas, paredes de escalada e cordas que  oferecem aos alunos desafios físicos e oportunidades para brincadeiras imaginativas.

Pinhal e Quinta pedagógica

Espaço onde os alunos podem aprender sobre agricultura e sustentabilidade ambiental. Aqui, os nossos alunos conectam-se com a natureza, observam e estudam a flora e a fauna e desenvolvem um sentido de responsabilidade para com o ambiente.

Auditório e Anfiteatros

Espaço dedicado a apresentações de dança e teatro, assim como palestras e conversas a apresentar para a comunidade escolar.


Dedicado à prática desportiva de modalidades como o futebol e o ténis, karate e voleibol. O campo coberto está também equipado com um palco e é utilizado para aulas de educação física 


2 laboratórios totalmente equipados para aulas práticas de fisico-química, biologia e geologia.

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