Dear Parents and Guardians,
From November 13th to 17th, 2023, we will be celebrating Anti-Bullying Week with the theme “Make a noise about bullying”.
In this context, on the 13th of November, it will be ODD SOCK DAY.
To celebrate the fact that we are all unique, we suggest that the children wear different socks on that day. With this activity, which is intended to be fun and positive, we want to send an important message to our students that they can be themselves without being victims of bullying.
During the week, the students will take part in short activities related to the theme, including participating in, and building a wall of kindness against bullying, which can be found on the wall in front of reception. You can find more information on the Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA) and School Without Bullying websites.
We look forward to seeing you all in your odd socks on Monday, November 13th!
Thank you for your time,
Cambridge Curriculum Director
Filomena Martins