Dear Parents and Guardians,
Regarding the cold wave that is affecting our country, we would like to inform you that the school’s heating system, after being purged during the day on Monday, has been in full operation since last Tuesday. However, it appears that in some rooms, the respective controls have not been activated, which is why it was detected that they had a lower temperature, a situation that has been alerted and is expected to be overcome.
With regard to the common areas, the ambient temperature will necessarily have to be lower, somewhere between the outside temperature of 19 to 22º in the rooms and the outside temperature, not only to avoid thermal shock during breaks, but also to comply with the DGS regulations that follow.
In this context, at the request of the Directorate-General for Health, we are sending this communication:
“In view of the forecast by the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and the Atmosphere of very low temperatures for the coming days, considering the pressure already existing on Health Services and the population groups usually most vulnerable to these phenomena, we ask for your best attention in order to proceed with a reinforcement of the measures provided for in the respective Contingency Plans.
It is important to ensure the adequacy of procedures and care for the most vulnerable groups, such as children in the first years of life, the chronically ill, the elderly or those in conditions of greater isolation and the homeless, among others.
Special reference should be made to recommendations applicable to ERPIs and home support teams, namely:
.Ensure an indoor temperature of between 19 and 22 degrees;
.Promote hand washing or disinfection;
.Promote the adoption of respiratory etiquette (cough and sneeze into the arm);
.Air and ventilate spaces;
.Wear a mask in crowded places or enclosed spaces by people with symptoms of respiratory infection;
.Maintain physical distance if symptoms of respiratory infection.
.Reinforce the recommendation for flu and COVID-19 vaccination;
.Explain that being vaccinated reduces the risk of serious illness, hospitalisation and death.
.Reinforce and explain the recommendations for keeping warm, namely:
.Keeping the house warm;
.Wear several layers of clothing, providing access to them if necessary;
.Protecting the extremities of the body with gloves, a scarf, a hat and warm footwear (whenever justified, even indoors).
.Promote hydration:
.Offering and making available water/tea and soups;
.Reinforce to the user the importance of taking their medication as advised by their doctor;
.In the event of illness, provide the SNS 24 contact number – 808 24 24 24, in the event of an emergency call 112.
In addition, we’ve provided communication materials and recommendations here,
Best Regards,
EITV, January 10th, 2024
The Director of the Cambridge Curriculum,
Filomena Martins