Parents and Guardians
EITV, March 14th, 2024
The enrolment renewal period for the 2024/2025 school year runs until March 31st.
After that date, the remaining places will be made available for new enrolments.
Once again, we reiterate our commitment to the entire educational community to ensure that Escola Internacional de Torres Vedras gains a new “soul” every year.
We rigorously fulfil everything that is required of a school that we consider to be of excellence. We plan and realise effectively, using all the educational technologies at our disposal, for the success of our students.
However, we remain unsatisfied.
In recent months, we have equipped the school with the necessary equipment so that our students and teachers can obtain their Microsoft certifications and move towards being considered a “Microsoft Showcase School”, we have equipped the Biology laboratory with the means to test hydroponic crops and we will be installing access covers to the building during the Easter holidays, thus further improving learning conditions and comfort for students and parents.
EITV is also recognised as a “Cambridge International School”, so in the next academic year we will be offering the 2-year course that culminates in the IGCSE exams and then AS-Level and A-Level, so we are waiting for your expressions of interest.
Until 31 March, as part of the “Bring a friend too” campaign, we will offer the enrolment fee to students who bring another friend or family member to school and to the new student.
Given that another particularly turbulent year lies ahead for education and the education system in general, we reaffirm our determination to provide both parents and our students with the necessary peace of mind and our usual commitment to ensuring that everything runs smoothly. In this context, given the shortage of teaching staff available for recruitment, we alert parents to the need to express their enrolment intentions in good time, so that the school can provide itself with the best teachers.
EITV, both because of the characteristics of its facilities and the results of its Educational Project, has positioned itself as the best school in the “Oeste” region, thus clearly differentiating itself from other public and private educational projects.
With the assistance of Cambridge and Pearson Universities, this differentiation is even more impactful, consolidating EITV as one of the most captivating educational endeavours at the service of the community.
In pursuit of the school’s objectives, we will also continue to prepare all our students to take their English, French and Spanish exams with international certification, to offer all pre-school students the Fastrackids skills development programme and to maintain, at all levels, the presence of various sporting, recreational and cultural activities offered as part of the school’s Educational Project.
Regarding the Discovery Clubs and school transport, we will continue to try to meet the needs of our Parents and Guardians, so we will try to improve the current routes, with the aim of ensuring that each student does not have to start their journey to school before 8h00.
Please let us know of any adjustments or changes you deem necessary.
In this context, if you want to renew your student’s enrolment, you must log in with your eCommunity login details by March 31st, go to “Matriculas” (Enrolments) and “Renovação de Matrículas” (Enrolment Renewal), check your details and proceed to complete the 7 steps required.
If you do not wish to renew your child’s enrolment, under the terms of the General Conditions of Attendance and Fees in effect, which you can consult on our website (, or if you wish to make any kind of change, all we need fill in the following questionnaire.
The debit information relating to the renewal of enrolment will be sent together with the April invoice, so if you don’t intend to enrol for the next school year, don’t take it into account because once the deadline for payment has passed, it will be cancelled. Therefore, your enrolment renewal will only be considered valid once you have made the payment.
In this way, we hope to meet the expectations of the entire educational community and we are counting on you to be able to offer more diversity and, at the same time, increase the quality of the services provided.
Sure of your warmest welcome,
The Pedagogical Administration
Note.: Any price changes could be due to salary upgrades, the consumer price benchmark or the fuel index.