About Us
Over 18 years teaching

Irreverent, modern and future-oriented education
Created in 2005, the Escola Internacional de Torres Vedras arises from the effort to create an irreverent educational institution, marked by educational quality and focused on training young people for the challenges of the modern world
Our goal is to fully exploit the potential of each and every student entrusted to us.
We believe that
Education is your best Investment
Alongside Academic Excellence and Team Learning, we work because we believe that our students will be able to evolve to assume responsibility themselves. responsibility for your own education, developing the ability to Learn how to learn.
We believe that in the future they will be able to manage their personal and family affairs with high Ethical and Moral sense, appreciating the Arts, using Technology.
We believe we can make them holders of solid training that allows them to face the world of tomorrow with confidence.
More than a School, a community
At the heart of the school are its students, teachers, parents and associates, a community determined to learn from experience and challenges in all its actions.
We believe that all elements of the Community are responsible for fully achieving the objectives of the educational project and for developing a culture of citizenship capable of fostering the values of the human person, democracy and the responsible exercise of individual freedom, for which we will continue to insist, without interference, in a culture of openness and participation in school life.